Doctor's Supporting The Hope Act

Join Our Mission: Americans for IVF

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to join us in a vital mission with Americans for IVF and a coalition of organizations and individuals to educate and engage the American public and our elected representatives in Congress on the importance of in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a morally just pathway to parenthood for families struggling to grow.

Why Your Voice Matters

Every day, we witness the emotional and physical toll that infertility takes on our patients. By joining Americans for IVF, you can help us amplify the voices of these individuals and advocate for the medical care they rightfully deserve. 

The Helping to Optimize Patients’ Experience with Fertility Services Act (HOPE with Fertility Services Act) is bipartisan legislation recently introduced in Congress. This act aims to ensure that those in need of infertility treatments receive insurance coverage, alleviating the financial burden that currently prevents many from accessing necessary care. By supporting this legislation, we can drive significant policy changes that will benefit millions of Americans.

Specific Call to Action

Americans for IVF, is asking you, our esteemed colleagues with experience in fertility medicine and technologies, to join me and add your name to the below letter in support of the HOPE with Fertility Services Act.

By adding your name, you are not only endorsing this crucial legislation but also giving us permission to use your name in our advocacy efforts publicly.

Together, we can make a powerful impact, ensuring that IVF is recognized and supported as a crucial pathway to parenthood for all who need it.

Join us at Americans for IVF and be a part of this transformative mission.


Dr. Kaylen Silverberg

Americans for IVF Advisory Board Chair

Medical Director, Texas Fertility Center

Join The Fight

Add Your Name to The Letter And Join Us.

Join The Fight As a Medical Professional

Sign The Letter to
Support HOPE with Fertility Services Act.

Doctors Letter in Support of the HOPE with Fertility Services Act

Doctors Letter in Support of the HOPE with Fertility Services Act

We, the undersigned, are doctors specializing in the care of pregnant women as well as women and men who are having difficulty conceiving due to infertility. As experts in our fields, we can confidently declare—just as the World Health Organization did in 2017—that infertility is a disease in which the reproductive system fails to function as naturally intended. We strongly believe that the diagnosis and treatment of this disease should be covered by health insurance. 

Couples hoping to have children of their own do not “elect” to be infertile. Women struggling to carry a pregnancy to term do not “elect” to have miscarriages. Individuals with pre-existing health conditions, such as cancer, endometriosis, or other chronic diseases do not “elect” to have impaired fertility. Reproduction, essential to the continued survival of the human race, is not an “election;” it is the natural state of health and should be available to all human beings. Creating and delivering a precious human life, is not an unnecessary procedure that one “elects” to undergo; it is essential. So too is the medical care necessary to treat patients who experience difficulties along their journey to parenthood. 

Despite this, most health insurance plans continue to deny coverage to those struggling with infertility based on the unjustified belief that having children is an unessential “elective” procedure. These plans frequently deny not only treatment for infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, but also diagnosis as well. This is unacceptable. 

Therefore, as doctors charged with the care and wellbeing of our patients, we write to express our unwavering support for new bipartisan legislation just introduced in Congress that would ensure that those most in need of medical care on their infertility journeys receive insurance coverage. Titled the Helping to Optimize Patients’ Experience with Fertility Services Act (HOPE Act), this proposed legislation will help millions of Americans receive the essential medical care they need without having to bear the crippling out-of-pocket costs now demanded of them to start families of their own. 

According to the CDC, 9.7 million U.S. women 15-49 years of age have impaired fertility, and among married women in this age range with no prior births, 1 in 4 have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. Worldwide, 1 in 6 couples struggle with infertility. This deeply personal issue touches the lives of millions of Americans across the country. We are proud to support this legislation and we strongly urge the public to join us by speaking up and by encouraging your representatives in Congress to vote for it. 


Kaylen Silverberg, M.D. 
OB/GYN & Reproductive Endocrinologist
Medical Director 
Texas Fertility Center

Leah Kaye, M.D.
OB/GYN & Reproductive Endocrinologist
The Fertility Center of Las Vegas 

Valerie Shavell, M.D.
Reproductive Endocrinologist
The Fertility Center of Grand Rapids

Michael Levy, M.D.
OB/GYN & Reproductive Endocrinologist
Shady Grove Fertility

Jaime Grifo, M.D., PhD
Reproductive Endocrinologist
NYU Langone Fertility Center

Abbie Eblen, M.D.
OB/GYN & Reproductive Endocrinologist
Nashville Fertility Center 

Susan Hudson, M.D.
Reproductive Endocrinologist
Texas Fertility Center

Kate O’Leary, M.D.
OB/GYN & Reproductive Endocrinologist
Midwest Fertility 

Michael Alper, M.D.
OB/GYN & Reproductive Endocrinologist
Boston IVF
Clinical Professor 
Harvard Medical School

Matt Will, M.D.
Reproductive Endocrinologist
Midwest Fertility 

David Hoffman, M.D.

Reproductive Endocrinologist
IVF Florida 

Richard Grazi, M.D.
Reproductive Endocrinologist
Founder and Director 
GENESIS Fertility & Reproductive Medicine 
Director of Division of Reproductive Endocrinology
Maimonides Medical Center

Scott G. Chudnoff, M.D.
Chair, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Maimonides Medical Center